ABOUT ME: I am a lifelong movie lover. So much of one, that my first job ever was as an usher at a movie theater. I was immediately hooked, stayed for 5 years, worked every job and eventually managed. I am still a regular movie theater patron and enjoy watching movies at home. I love to follow the box office totals too. It's always fascinating to me to see how a movie fares. There are so many variables: release date, competition, mood of movie-goers. A sure hit flops at the box office, while a low budget independent film takes off and earns millions. I also love movie trivia and discussions. This is just a place for me to share my thoughts on everything related to the movies (all genres). Please participate; I love feedback of all kinds. Well, off to the movies!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Top 10 Ensemble Cast Films

After watching a great ensemble cast film recently, Best in Show, I thought of making a top 10 of my personal favorites in this category. Again, it is so hard to choose, but these are a few that come to mind. They are also in no particular order, since it's so hard to rate them. All great movies only enhanced by such impressive casts.

1. American Hustle

2. Sneakers

3. The Usual Suspects

4. Pulp Fiction

5. Steel Magnolias

6. The Man in the Iron Mask

7. Parenthood

8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

9. Traffic

10. Reservoir Dogs

Some others in the running were Good Fellas, Fargo and Glengary Glen Ross. What are some of your favorites?


  1. Great list. But what about Ocean's 11?

    1. That's another great example! I did consider it. These are just my personal absolute favorites. It would definitley fall in my next 10.

  2. I agree with the above question. I loved Ocean's 11 and it's sequels. There is talk and an Ocean's 14, but we will see. Never saw the bottom one, but my top 5 would be Sneakers, Steel Magnolias, The Man in the Iron Mask, American Hustle and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

  3. Thanks Linda. I agree that was a great cast and solid movie!

  4. I just had a suggestion about The Outsiders. I have to say I forgot about that one. Great example!

  5. I voted for the cast of Oceans 11.

  6. BTW - Pulp Fiction won in my informal poll of Best Ensemble Film.

  7. I picked Aliens, even though, I do agree that The Terminator-Judgment Day was a great movie, my favorite sequel was and still is, Aliens. Loved that movie and have seen it multiple times.

    1. Same here. Very intense and exciting with a great cast.

  8. Thanks Mark for your suggestions of The Magnificent Seven and Murder by Death.
