ABOUT ME: I am a lifelong movie lover. So much of one, that my first job ever was as an usher at a movie theater. I was immediately hooked, stayed for 5 years, worked every job and eventually managed. I am still a regular movie theater patron and enjoy watching movies at home. I love to follow the box office totals too. It's always fascinating to me to see how a movie fares. There are so many variables: release date, competition, mood of movie-goers. A sure hit flops at the box office, while a low budget independent film takes off and earns millions. I also love movie trivia and discussions. This is just a place for me to share my thoughts on everything related to the movies (all genres). Please participate; I love feedback of all kinds. Well, off to the movies!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

General Movie Trivia #3

1. Name one of the two films released in 2006, which involved turn-of-the-century magicians in Europe. (One point bonus for naming both.)

2. Who played The Shadow in the 1994 film of the same name?

3. Who has won the most Academy Awards for Best Director?

4. Who played Dr Smith in Lost in Space in 1998 and Rev. Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter in 1995?

5. What year (within one year) was the original Halloween II released?

6. Who played Doc Holliday in Wyatt Earp in 1994?

7. What famous painting does Mr Bean destroy in the movie Bean?

8. How many sequels to Rocky (1976) have been made?

9. What was the last movie released starring Natalie Wood?  

10. What was the reported production budget of Titanic (within $10 Million)?

Note: Answers will be posted in the 'Comments' section.


  1. 1. The Prestige/The Illusionist, 2. Alec Baldwin, 3. John Ford, 4. Gary Oldman, 5. 1981, 6. Dennis Quaid, 7. Whistler's Mother, 8. Five, 9. Brainstorm, 10. $200 Million

  2. WOW! I didn't get any of them. 1-I couldn't remember the names, I saw both of them, but only remember the Illusionist...seen that a couple of times. I looked up The Prestige and once I saw that Hugh Jackman was in it, I knew that I had seen it, but only once. 2- I like Alec Baldwin, but didn't see the Shadow, that I can remember. 3-I don't even recognize John Ford's name. 4-Loved Gary Oldman in all of the Harry Potter films, he is the guy you loved to hate, but didn't remember him from Lost in Space and I don't think that I saw The Scarlet Letter. 5-I saw Halloween II, but could not tell you when it came out. 6-We love Dennis Quaid and once I read the answer, I remember seeing him in that role. 7-Never saw the movie, Bean. 8-I thought that I got this one right by saying 4, I didn't remember the last one. 9-I saw Natalie Wood's last movie, but didn't remember the name of it. Only saw it once. 10-I had no idea about the budget for Titanic, but I am sure that it took in a lot more money than it took to make it.....

  3. John Ford was a director years ago. Made a lot of John Wayne movies. OK. Well, I tried to make it a little tricky.
