ABOUT ME: I am a lifelong movie lover. So much of one, that my first job ever was as an usher at a movie theater. I was immediately hooked, stayed for 5 years, worked every job and eventually managed. I am still a regular movie theater patron and enjoy watching movies at home. I love to follow the box office totals too. It's always fascinating to me to see how a movie fares. There are so many variables: release date, competition, mood of movie-goers. A sure hit flops at the box office, while a low budget independent film takes off and earns millions. I also love movie trivia and discussions. This is just a place for me to share my thoughts on everything related to the movies (all genres). Please participate; I love feedback of all kinds. Well, off to the movies!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

General Movie Trivia #4

1. Who played Poison Ivy in Batman and Robin (1997)?

2. What is the name of the dangerous dive that Rodney Dangerfield's character, Thornton Melon, attempts in Back to School?

3. Matt Damon's first credited role was in what movie?

4. What type of fruit was poisoned, in order to kill Indiana Jones, in Raiders of the Lost Ark?

5. How many Psycho movies have been released, including the remake?

6. Name the sequel that Jack Nicholson directed.

7. In the movie Saving Private Ryan, why are they trying to find Ryan and bring him home?

8. What actress has received the second most Academy Award nominations for Best Actress?

9. What was the butler's (played by John Gielgud) name in Arthur (1981)?

10. In the movie Driving Miss Daisy, where did Miss Daisy like to do her grocery shopping?

Note: Answers will be posted in the 'Comments' section.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1. Uma Thurman, 2. The Triple Lindy, 3. Mystic Pizza, 4. Date, 5. Five, 6. The Two Jakes, 7. His 3 other brothers were all recently killed in combat. 8. Katherine Hepburn, 9. Hobson, 10. Piggly Wiggly

  3. Aw heck. I only got Private Ryan right. Duh.
